Building Brighter Futures - A Practical Toolkit

Building Brighter Futures - A Practical Toolkit
Webinar Recording - Recorded in February 2023
CPD Competency - Professional Practice Application

This practical presentation by Dr Deirdre Hughes OBE provides a range of effective approaches to career development and wellbeing support.

This webinar was particularly targeted at practitioners working with adults. It provides an opportunity for a “review and refresh” for experienced practitioners, and practical tools for newer practitioners.

The presentation and toolkit will help you to:

- Understand the changing context of career development and wellbeing in society.
- Know how best to help support adults experiencing different types of transitions in their life.
- Be aware of techniques that can be applied in practice to improve career development and wellbeing outcomes for adults.
- Understand how to look after your own emotional care and competence in responding to and dealing with diverse and complex adult needs.
- Be empowered to understand and maintain boundaries supporting the learning of others.
- Identify further evidence to support your everyday practice to enable you to learn more.

Presenter Bio:

A freelance academic researcher, career development professional and government policy adviser. Dr Deirdre Hughes OBE has written over 125 articles and book chapters, and made over 200 presentations to international, national and regional professional groups dealing with all-age careers work, employment and skills issues.

She is co-editor of the British Journal for Guidance and Counselling International Symposium Series. She is also a Cedefop appointed national expert in lifelong guidance and careers education (May 2017).

Please note: As this webinar was interactive, the recording includes some edits for breakout rooms. While the breakout rooms are not in the recording, all of Deirdre's content is included
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